What Sets ApparelMagic Apart?

You’ve already read about some of the features of ApparelMagic and you’ve already read about the incredibly competitive pricing that this software features. Its affordability alone makes it a very desirable tool but this software is a true all-in-one that combines ERP, CRM, PLM, accounting, and more to make it an absolute powerhouse of a product. In this section, you’ll learn more about what sets ApparelMagic apart as an all-in-one apparel management solution.

One thing that is absolutely worth noting is that even though everything you need is packed into this zero-download and beautifully designed software, it still has the capabilities to seamlessly work with over 75 other services that you may already be using, from Amazon to Etsy, to Walmart, and beyond. There is nothing for you to install, updates and backups are completely automatic and come at no additional cost, and this is a completely web-based software that’s accessible from anywhere, even your mobile phone.

Accounting and Reports

As you have read a few times one of the main drawbacks of a lot of the most popular ERP software products is that they just do not have native accounting modules built-in. With an all-in-one, you’re not going to run into this problem and ApparelMagic goes above and beyond to provide users with all of the tools they need to manage the financial aspects of their business in a clear and easy to understand interface.

ApparelMagic’s accounting tool has multi-currency capabilities so that your global customers don’t have to cause you any conversion headaches. Instead, you have the ability to run multiple sales channels in different currencies from all around the world. International date formatting is also available to avoid any confusion when working with clients from across the pond. You will easily be able to receive credit card payments online from anywhere and you can also easily plug this information right into another accounting tool like QuickBooks or Xero if you use them.

All of the financial data that ApparelMagic keeps track of is updated by the second so you always know what is going on and always have the most accurate numbers. Even the reports that are generated from this data are beautiful. You can customize their appearance and the information the reports include. ApparelMagic also allows you to generate gorgeous full-color catalogs and these can be printed or delivered digitally to everyone who needs to know what you have in stock and ready to sell. These are perfect for communicating with team members and customers alike.

Tools like inventory reports and audit logs help you to keep a thorough record of what is going on in your business. You also have the ability to accept checks, AR payments, and more. Additional tools that come with the accounting features offered with ApparelMagic include royalties, reconciliations, order status reports, vendor bills, commissions, and more. The accounting module in ApparelMagic allows you to intelligently track your finances and provide your customers with multiple ways to pay.

Logistics and Fulfillment

ApparelMagic also features a full suite of logistics and fulfillment software that takes care of everything from warehouse management to automatic purchasing. Some ERPs that are out on the market today can be difficult to use when you are shipping out of multiple warehouses. This isn’t the case with ApparelMagic; this software is designed to help you scale as far as you can go and not have to struggle while doing it. No matter how many different inventories you manage, you will be able to use the warehouse management tools in ApparelMagic to get it done.

Because of the up-to-the-minute tracking capabilities of ApparelMagic, you can be instantly notified when your stock gets low in a particular warehouse. You can set things up so that inventory is transferred behind the scenes between warehouses whenever necessary. This also syncs up with your B2B and B2C platforms to keep all of your sales platforms up-to-date so your customers can only order what you have in stock. This is great because it helps cut down the need for filling backorders. Only what’s available will show on the site, making your delivery times a lot faster.

This aspect of the ApparelMagic software also allows you to set up customized allocation parameters for when and how orders will be filled. You can choose for a particular style to go out first, prioritize customers, or create your own sorting plan based on how you like to run the show. This allocation pattern can also be changed any time, in single orders, or in batches.

Even the packing and shipping process can be streamlined with this module of the software. You can generate invoices, barcodes, packing lists, shipping labels, and more. Industry-leading fulfillment partners can easily mesh with ApparelMagic’s fulfillment software to help you get orders out quickly and accurately. The entire software is designed around providing your customers with the best experience. All of the tools for logistics and fulfillment will help you put orders out at an astounding pace, with unparalleled accuracy.

Manufacturing and Production

ApparelMagic is an ERP at heart and because of that, there are a lot of powerful and intelligent tools for managing your supply chain, whether you manufacture your own apparel or purchase it from a third party. The software tools in this module are designed to help you save money while meeting your customers’ demands as efficiently as possible. No matter how detailed a project is, ApparelMagic has you covered.

The intelligent system can calculate the sales demand and help you to determine how much materials will be required for a particular production run. Costs are actualized automatically as this is happening and you can use this software to communicate directly with your vendors, getting them set up with pull sheets, instructions, and more. ApparelMagic can even be used to generate vendor contracts based on the current production parameters that you set according to your project.

Another way that this all-in-one apparel management software stands out from the other leading ERPs is that it offers you purchasing tools that can function manually or automatically. You have the ability to set the software up to react according to your sales patterns; you can set inventory minimums which will trigger purchase orders to be sent out to your vendors on demand. You never have to press a button. You can also use this same tool to go through and look at all of the available data and make those purchases based on your own decisions as well.

This part of the software is designed to illuminate every corner of your supply chain and put you in control. You can track your raw materials and find out if any of them had to be returned, and you’ll receive instant details on how that is going to delay production if there are any resulting hiccups. You can track all of your projects even as they’re moving through your supply chain and you have options to sort the data by vendor, style, or project. You will also have tools that allow you to monitor the production schedule up against your sales deadlines.

Just like your product inventory, your raw material inventory stays updated in real-time so you always know what you can produce and what you need to order more of to keep rolling out orders. All of the things you need to do to keep your supply chain running smoothly are all contained in the simple interface and you can take action with just the push of a button when you need to.

Mobile App

This is one of the most impressive features of ApparelMagic. You can access all of the tools you need to run your business directly from your mobile phone. Even though some apps may make it hard to see on your phone or do not have web apps or anything that allow you access from anywhere, that is not the case with ApparelMagic. All of the features that are available on the site are available directly from your phone and then some. It features a barcode scanner, intuitive search tools to help you find the products you’re looking for within your system, and won’t require you to carry any additional hardware to weigh you down.

Using your phone for this could be perfect in business meetings or trade shows, making it easier for you to work when you’re on-the-go, no matter where you are. Truly, no matter where you are. Even if you’re somewhere with a weak WiFi signal or you have a poor cellular connection, the ApparelMagic app functions in the background and periodically downloads the most current data available from the servers. Because of this, you can use your phone as a tool even if you can’t get a connection at the moment. You can even take orders in situations like this and have the capability to just upload orders to the cloud later on.

You have everything you need at your fingertips to keep in touch with customers and teammates. You will be able to send emails, generate reports, and keep tabs on your inventory from anywhere that you have your smartphone available. You will even be able to record payments and take signatures directly from your phone with no other tools necessary.

Note: At this time, the app is only available on Apple and iOS devices. ApparelMagic Mobile is available as an add-on feature for your Professional or Enterprise subscription to ApparelMagic. 

Products and Inventory

When it comes to products and inventory tools in ApparelMagic’s incredible all-in-one software, this is where PLM and ERP converge to give you a host of crucial tools to help you meet your business goals. ApparelMagic understands that your products are the heart of your business at the end of the day and it has designed a set of software tools that help you to really make them shine.

You can track your inventory in a variety of ways in real-time. Everything is always up-to-date so you know what you have on hand and you can control your stock with ease. Understanding what you have in stock will help you keep on top of your sales and help them grow. All of the inventory tools are designed for visibility that way you have all of the information at your fingertips even when you’re managing multiple channels, warehouses, and from different suppliers.

Even though this software gives you such a strong bird’s eye view, you also have insight into every little detail throughout your inventory. You will be able to track every detail of all of your styles in one place, manage new designs, draft ideas, and even make final approvals. All of the line sheets, specs, and assembly instructions are all housed in one place so all of the information is clear and precise, helping you to produce the products that you’ll be proud to see your customers wearing. Even though the finished products really shine in this module, raw materials haven’t been left out.

You can manage your raw materials, allow the software to make automatic purchases when necessary, and project costs in real-time. You will also be able to use these tools to create more effective plans and shave your margins down so that you can get the most of your money without compromising the value that you deliver to your customers. ApparelMagic helps you understand your costs and expenses and can calculate that up against all of your existing financial data to keep you informed.

Sales and Ordering

All of the tools that you have already read about that ApparelMagic has to offer come together to help create a powerful sales and ordering module that can help you see everything and take action on the data with ease. Allocation, commission reports, demand-driven purchasing, style performance reports, and a ton of other tools are all available through this all-in-one software.

ApparelMagic makes it easy for you to put orders in efficiently and accurately. There are tools that are designed to help you streamline the pick-and-pack process, approve orders faster, assign importance to orders so you control who gets their items first, and power through backorders to meet your customers’ demands. Whether you’re B2C, B2B, or both, ApparelMagic offers easy integration with the industry’s top sales channels all across the web. No matter where you like to sell your products, ApparelMagic makes it easy for you to get things done.

You will be able to automatically receive orders and watch them process before your eyes. You can track the performance of individual channels, see how different parts of your inventory perform, and track the demand for certain products. Understanding all of these sales metrics can help you steer the products you create and put out towards what your customers are looking for, pumping your sales up.

This part of the software also includes tools that will help you manage discounts for certain orders, bulk pricing, commissions, and royalties. You can set custom pricing for different customer groups and will have immediate insight into the profitability of every single sale as it happens. These tools are designed to help you deeply understand your sales performance so you can perform better, quarter after quarter.

All of the instant tracking tools will help you be more transparent with your customers about when they’re items will arrive. You will also have access to a lot of CRM tools like appointment setting, calls, approvals, and contracts all from inside the sleek ApparelMagic interface.

Vendor Access

Another thing that helps ApparelMagic shine is the way that its software tools allow you to connect with your vendors. You can connect your supply chain information with your vendor portal so that everyone can be on the same page. Because of the communication capabilities, you will always be able to see how things are moving through production. You can communicate with vendors with ease and always have a quick way to glance at production timelines and see how things are moving.

The tools in this module help you understand how to optimize your business and make your production process as efficient as possible. You will be able to manage due dates, work orders, purchase orders, and more. You can use the tools in this section to allow you to automatically make purchase orders based on your inventory or based on customer activity. Shipments can be created right in the app in realtime. 

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