How to create a line sheet in ApparelMagic

Line sheets are the backbone of the sales workflow, and an Excel file no longer cuts it! Use them internally to sort out your assortment, as teasers you can promote to your leads, and as a B2B eCommerce tool customers

Product Lifecycle Management: How The Fashion Industry Leverages A Concept Borrowed From the Auto Industry

Product Lifecycle Management: How The Fashion Industry Leverages A Concept Borrowed From the Auto Industry

From inception to manufacturing to sale and beyond, there are a lot of steps in the product lifecycle. Product lifecycle management (PLM) is the process of managing those steps. American Motors Corporation introduced the concept in the 1980s as a

Product Lifecycle Management

What Is Product Lifecycle Management & Why Does It Matter?

Want to learn about the concept of product lifecycle management? Read below to learn about the concept’s history and see a break down of each phase of the product lifecycle and the impact these concepts can have on your business.